- Tibetan Youth Congress: http://www.tibetanyouthcongress.org
- Tibetan Women’s Association: http://www.tibetanwomen.org
- Tibetan Centre for Human Rights & Democracy: http://www.tchrd.org
- Gu-Chu-Sum Movement of Tibet (former Tibetan Political Prisoners’ Association): http://www.guchusum.org
- International Tibet Support Network: http://www.tibet.org/itsn/
- Tibet Online Resource Center: http://www.tibet.org
- Act for Tibet: http://www.actfortibet.org
- Agenzia della Campagna di Solidarietà con il Popolo Tibetano: http://www.dossiertibet.it
- Arizona Friends of Tibet (US): http://www.afot.org
- Associazione Italia-Tibet, Italy: http://www.padmanet.com/ait/
- Australia Tibet Council: http://www.atc.org.au
- Bay Area Friends of Tibet, USA: http://www.friends-of-tibet.org
- Boycott Made in China, US: http://www.boycottmadeinchina.org
- Canada Tibet Committee: http://www.tibet.ca
- Comite de Soutien au Peuple Tibetain, France : http://www.tibet-info.net/cspt/
- Committee of 100 for Tibet: http://www.c100tibet.org
- Den Norske Tibet-Komite, Norway: http://www.tibet.no
- France-Tibet: http://www.tibet.fr
- Free Tibet Campaign, London: http://www.freetibet.org
- Friends of Tibet, India: http://www.friendsoftibet.org
- Friends of Tibet, New Zealand: http://www.friends-of-tibet.org.nz
- Friends of Tibetan Women’s Association: http://www.artrefuge.org
- International Campaign for Tibet: http://www.savetibet.org
- International Campaign for a UN referendum on Tibet: http://www.heartibet.org
- International Tibet Independence Movement, Indiana: http://www.rangzen.org
- Israeli Friends of the Tibetan People: http://www.tibet.org.il/
- ITSN Olympics Working Committee: http://www.2008-freetibet.org
- Los Angeles Friends of Tibet: http://www.latibet.org
- Orange County Friends of Tibet, USA: http://www.octibet.org
- Rangzen Alliance: http://www.rangzen.net
- San Diego Friends of Tibet (US): http://www.sdtibet.org
- Sierra Friends of Tibet (US): http://www.sierrafriendsoftibet.org
- Students for a Free Tibet: http://www.studentsforafreetibet.org
- Swedish Tibet Committee: http://www.tibet.a.se
- Swiss Tibetan Friendship Society: http://www.tibetfocus.com
- The Tibet Society of the UK: http://www.tibet-society.org.uk
- The Milarepa Fund, New York: http://www.milarepa.org
- Tibet Initiative Deutschland (Germany): http://www.tibet-initiative.de
- Tibet Initiative Munich (Germany): http://www.tibet-munich.de
- Tibet Justice Center: http://www.tibetjustice.org
- TIBETMichigan, USA: http://www.tibetmichigan.home-page.org
- Tibet Society of South Africa: http://www.tibet.org.za
- Tibet Support Group, Denmark: http://www.tibetkomite.dk
- Tibet Support Group, Netherland: http://www.xs4all.nl/~tibetsg/
- Tibet Support Group, Slovenia: http://www.tibet-drustvo.si
- Tibet Vigil, London: http://www.tibet-vigil.org.uk
- U.S. Tibet Committee, New York: http://www.ustibet.org
- World Tibet Day (US): http://www.worldtibetday.com
- Tibetan Community in Switzerland & Liechtenstein: www.tibetswiss.com
- Tibetan Association of North California, USA: www.tanc.org
- Tibetan Association of Chicago, USA: www.tibetan-alliance.org
- Northwest Tibetan Cultural Association, Portland, USA: www.nwtca.org
- Utah Tibetan Association, USA: www.holt.org/tibet/uta.html
- Canadian Tibetan Association of Ontario, Canada: www.ctao.org
मुख्य सम्पर्क
विशेष पोस्ट
संबंधित पोस्ट